Thursday 23 July 2020

Coin envelopes in demand, again!

Coin envelopes in demand again? What do you mean by in demand again? What are coin envelopes by the way?
A coin envelope is also known as a pay envelope. The coin envelope was used up to the 1960’s to pay wages, hence the name coin envelope. Wages were usually paid every week or month back in those times. When in the 1960’s more bank and giro accounts were put into use, coin envelopes became redundant and lost their “utility”.

Can I also use the coin envelope as a seed bag?

Just because a product has the name coin envelope, doesn’t mean it is obligated to be used only for the purpose of paying wages. The small paper envelope can be used in a multitude of way thanks to its shape and how easy it is to close. As an example we could use this envelope to store seeds, turning it into a seed bag. There isn’t a big difference between a seed bag and a coin envelope, this is why the coin envelope can function as a seed bag without any problems.

Coin envelope, seed bag or stamp bag?

The coin envelope is available in 4 sizes: 63 x 93 mm, 85 x 132 mm, 115 x 160 mm, 130 x 180 mm. These small measurements are ideal for seeds, small gifts or to send stamp notes. The reason why the coin envelopes are popular again is partly due to the measurements these small paper envelopes have, which makes them ideal for multiple purposes.

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